epGroup: 4 brands connecting minds to move the world
Always fast, friendly and dedicated – This is our group’s brand promise. The epGroup has been collecting success stories and satisfied customers with our tailored logistic plans for 20 years.
In these two decades, we, Europartners Group (a.k.a. epGroup) have served our clients using four brands, designed to serve global industries with local attention, speaking your language and gathering market know how to find the best tailored solutions available.
- Linkinpartner, our German partner, delivers a world-class customer experience in Europe.
- EP America meets the unique requirements of the North American market (United States and Canada).
- Europartners meets the most specific needs of the Latin American and Spanish markets.
- Expedited America do Brasil offers personalized attention in Portuguese to meet the needs of the Brazilian market for air freight and critical cargo services.
Europartners Group 4 brands vision
EP America, a company of Europartners Group, is constantly evolving. We work to be the best strategic partner in logistics of global manufacturing companies, with the ambition of reaching an important goal until 2030: to be a top-of-mind company in time-sensitive logistics services and critical cargo solutions.
Our expansion plans are moving at supersonic speed. In 2022, we renewed our membership with the African Freight Bridge Network (AFBN) and in 2023, we started the year opening offices in Thailand and Hong Kong, to connect minds and move the world from Asia, too.
Stay tuned. Our four brands will join forces, talents and logistics minds to take your business further. As we stated in our 20th anniversary campaign:
The future is underay.
Everything is connected.
4 brands, one group. We are epGroup.
Connecting minds to move the world!